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Out and About and Together Again - Virtual Field Trip! | The Paper Bag Players

Out and About and Together Again – Virtual Field Trip!

Click Here to Purchase the Virtual Field Trip

THE PAPER BAG PLAYERS present OUT AND ABOUT AND TOGETHER AGAIN, a new virtual show. Conceived for the little screen but bursting with big imagination and fun, this 40-minute revue is filled with sing-along songs, freewheeling dances, audience participation, paper & cardboard props and costumes, and a guided draw-your-own-picture craft segment!

Created for children Pre-K through 3rd grade, it’s great fun for all ages whether you’re at home, the classroom or anywhere! The show is designed to engage children creatively, cognitively and socially.

Our Study Guide offers activities and discussions to help teachers prepare children for the experience and lead them afterward in educational and artistic discoveries of their own.

Overview: the outdoor adventures include a dancing bear doorman, bumbling Bob the Slob who makes a big mess, a join-in-the-fun song and dance called The Paper Bag Rag, a surprising drawing that you follow along, a wondrous world of pointing and spinning Arrows, and the premiere of Anywhere Chair, a hand-drawn animated story about twins Tinsley and Tobias who encounter a lost but lovable chair. The journey concludes with Your Friend Is My Friend, a rollicking song and dance for larger-than-life figures, proving that “any friend of yours is a friend of mine.”

Virtual Field Trip Price List

# of classes (1 class = up to 30 kids) Price per class Total cost
1 Class (up to 30) $150 $150
2 Classes (up to 60) $150 $300
3 Classes (up to 90) $125 $375
4 Classes (up to 120) $125 $500
5 Classes (up to 150) $125 $625
6 Classes (up to 180) $100 $600
7 Classes (up to 210) $100 $700


We accept payment by credit card or PayPal. If you wish to pay with a Purchase Order, please contact us at . The Paper Bag Players is a DOE sole vendor: vendor code PAP009000. Our outreach program, THEATER FOR ALL, ensures that all children have equal access to our shows. Please contact us if your students need help to pay for their tickets.

The whole team at The Paper Bag Players is thrilled to offer this unique experience, allowing you to see us in a way you’ve never seen us before. Get ready to sing, dance, draw, and have a world of fun along with us as we joyfully head OUT AND ABOUT AND TOGETHER AGAIN!

Click Here to Purchase the Virtual Field Trip

Click Here to Download Our Study Guide