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Merchandise | The Paper Bag Players


by bob on January 11, 2013

Fortunately – DVD

Recorded live at the Kaye Playhouse in New York City. FORTUNATELY has suspenseful stories, happy endings, topsy-turvy dancing, intriguing costumes, magical scenery, top-notch performers, and great music. 55 minutes of comedy, songs, and audience involvement. A rich and happy entertainment.

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Saddles and Sunshine & Laugh! Laugh! Laugh! – CD

With songs and music from Saddles and Sunshine and Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!


On Top of Spaghetti DVD

“On Top of Spaghetti,” cited for excellence by the Coalition for Quality Children


The Paper Bag Players – CD

A collection of The Paper Bag Players most rousing music and most sing-alongable songs! Donald Ashwander and John Stone

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Christmas All Over the Place – CD

Contains the songs

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Christmas All Over the Place – Script

Four short plays make up this delightful collection: Christmas All Over the Place, The Runaway Presents, Wiggle Worm


Everybody, Everybody – Script

The Paper Bag Players take a fast moving, kid’s eye view of various aspects of American life, including such things as “Plain Good Manners,” fat vs. thin, bringing up babies, and a family’s pursuit of an elusive Big Burger sign. This musical has enchanted critics and audiences alike. “…brimful and zany. They never underestimate their audience… There is fun in it for everybody, everybody.”


I Won’t Take a Bath! – Script

Written and designed by Judith Martin, music by Donald Ashwander. Flexible casting, paper/cardboard props and sets. What’s it really like being a kid? Well, this delightful romp from the OBIE Award-Winning troupe takes us on a journey only a kid can appreciate, from “Friends” to “The Real Me” to the amusing sketch, “I Won’t Take a Bath!” Wild imagination and wit are the cornerstones of the ingenious talent of the Paper Bag Players. Whether fanciful or realistic, their work is always inspiring, their humor kindly and good natured. “Wildly amusing, terrific entertainment.” — The Village Voice.


Reasons To Be Cheerful – Script

Written and designed by Judith Martin. Music by Donald Ashwander. Eleven separate theater pieces dealing with contemporary themes for children. Flexible cast of four or more. The Kansas City Times best describes this ingenious theater piece by stating: “Reasons To Be Cheerful is delightful with yarns about a woman who buys a bunch of uncooperative beans (they keep leaping from the pot and dancing around the kitchen) to an instructive skit in which the audience ends up instructing a stubborn child to take her medicine if she wants to get well.”
