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We're Back! | The Paper Bag Players

Class Trips


A New Funny Show for Grades 3-K through 4th Grade

America’s beloved children’s theater company, THE PAPER BAG PLAYERS, has been creating imaginative worlds from paper and cardboard since 1958. Our 66th season introduces a joyful new show, WE START TO SING! The show bursts with zany stories, audience participation, sing-along songs, foot-stomping dances, larger-than-life characters and bringing art to life on a giant easel. It’s a funny, friendly, and thrilling hour of theater – perfect for children ages 3 through 9, perfect for everyone!

Field Trips

Our season runs from January through May 2025. Tickets are $10 each with one free for every 20 tickets purchased. If you have any questions, please email us at:


In-School Shows
35 min (x2) or 55 min options

Due to the variety in Covid safety protocols and other considerations at each school, we have created a show that will be adaptable to the space you have available, whether it is a cafeteria, gym, or auditorium. We have a 35-minute and a 55-minute version of the show for in-school performances.

In-School Shows

Collage of the 2024-2025 season

More about WE START TO SING!

“Rise and Shine” follows the sun as it wakes up and prepares for work, punching in as the moon punches out. “We Start to Sing” continues the theme of waking up, adding the full cast in a vigorous song and dance to get things really moving. In “A Day on the Lake,” two friends on a fishing trip get more than they bargained for, while “Ants in My Pants” invites the entire audience in a song and dance to help in a tricky picnic situation. The hour is rounded out with flying pizzas, a game called “Spin-A-Dance,” a girl who rides a whale all the way home, and much more. It’s all wrapped up in our signature paper and cardboard costumes, sets and props to inspire the imagination. Come join the creativity and wake up with a smile as We Start To Sing!

WE START TO SING! was created by Co-Artistic Directors Kevin Richard Woodall and John Stone and The Paper Bag Players Creative Team. Directed by Kevin Richard Woodall. Musical direction and composition by John Stone. Scenic Designers: Florencia Escudero and Jonathan Peck. Production Supervisor: James Huggans.

Study Guide

We also have a virtual field trip, OUT AND ABOUT AND TOGETHER AGAIN, that can be screened at school or at home if the children are learning remotely.

Virtual Field Trip